I love chocolate cake and the smell of the forest after a spring rainstorm.
I'm a Certified Holistic Health Coach, biochemist, mom, and nature lover in Bozeman, MT.
Truly, I'm a science geek who loves to apply research to help people be healthier and happier. I have a passion for helping women achieve their preconception, prenatal, and postnatal health goals and make long lasting lifestyle changes.
Training and Credentials
My journey started in 2004, when I graduated from Montana State University with a BS in Biochemistry and landed a job doing research and development on vaccines. I loved working in the lab and conducting experiments to demystify immunology, but wanted to work more with people. Then, as the company shut down all but one of its preclinical projects, I got my chance to do some serious soul searching. I wanted to personally help people AND do nerdy science research.
When I discovered health coaching, I knew that was the path to fulfill both of these desires. I obtained my Certification in Holistic Health Coaching from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, based in New York City. I am Board Certified through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners.
About Me
I used to drink soda daily and have ice cream for dessert every night. When I moved to Bozeman, Montana to start my second semester of college at MSU, my friends here were more health conscious and I made changes to be more healthy. I started eating healthier and enjoying nature by hiking, rock climbing, backpacking, and road biking. I rediscovered that being in nature fills me with joy in the deepest part of my being. Today, I strive to incorporate nature into my family outings. I enjoy hiking, drift boating, exploring river beaches, flower hunting, bird watching, and cooking with my family.
As a wife, stepmom, and mom, I am especially excited about incorporating nutrition and wellness into your whole family. I strive to get my family to eat more vegetables and fruit. I'm always sneaking things into recipes! Wellness is more than eating healthy and exercising. Every aspect of life affects a person's health. I strive to help create balance and nourishment physically, spiritually, and emotionally.
Special Diet Experience
I have several years of personal experience with gluten free, grain free, and paleo diets. I have noticed that replacing processed foods with whole foods gave me a lot more energy and mental clarity. I have created my favorite recipes for healthy treats such as chocolate cake, bread, and muffins by replacing processed white flour and sugar with nut flours and unprocessed sweeteners such as maple syrup or coconut palm sugar. I even make birthday cakes like this, and my family loves them!
My Family
I am a mom to three boys: a stepson, a son (our rainbow), and a son in the stars, Soaring Fox Dunn. Soaring Fox was born prematurely at 22 weeks, which is too early to survive. He visits us regularly in different animal and bird forms, which brings us sweetness. A rainbow baby is a baby that comes after a pregnancy or infant loss. They are the light after the storm.
After the loss of Soaring Fox I really wanted to speak with another mom who had lost a baby. I deeply felt that no one else could fully understand my grief. I am incredibly thankful to several women that I met through this process. One of these women was our doula for our rainbow baby, making his birth even more special.
I am very passionate about helping other Loss Moms. In addition to my personal experience, I have five years of professional experience with hospice navigating the dying and grieving processes as a team coordinator. I believe that there is nothing comparable to speaking with another mom who has been through something similar. I want to share strength, wisdom, courage, hope, and incredible empathy with other bereaved mothers.